Make the future of travel happen
Make the future of travel happen
Help Alex to launch Travelhood, a community
for travel entrepreneurs & experience creators
inspiring travel for good
Help Alex to launch Travelhood, a community
for travel entrepreneurs & experience creators
inspiring travel for good
It's time to travel for good
Alex Farlander
Founder of Travelhood
Hi, this is Alex

If we haven't met, here's my short story:
I was born in Siberia, grew up close to nature, worked in tourism since high school, organized trips to 45 countries, won the Best Guide of Russia award, and shut down my business after the war in Ukraine started.

Now, I'm based in Mexico, and instead of opening yet another travel company, I want to do something more profound.

I am creating a community of purpose-driven travel entrepreneurs, who use the power of travel to make their places better.

I met quite a few of them during my travels, and they are amazing people.
We need more people like that.

We will explore and discover better business models.

To see what works and what doesn't.

So other small businesses and aspiring professionals from around the world could learn from our experience while sharing their ideas and vision.

If you think it is a decent purpose,

please help me to make Travelhood happen.

and support our crowdfunding campaign,

there are a lot of useful perks for business in exchange:)

Thank you, and I'm looking forward to going on this amazing journey together.

Alex Farlander

@alexfarlander everywhere

The best time for new beginnings
Winter crowdfunding campaign
Currently, $0 of $5000 goal has been crowdfunded. Help us to move it forward!
← we are here (updated daily)
This money will be spent on Travelhood before we can earn:
  • Incorporation costs
  • Workplace tools
  • Preparing first events and not dying from starvation
If we are lucky to crowdfund more, these money will go to the development of our first major project, Expedition Estonia
Become an early supporter, help Alex launch Travelhood, and it will pay back
Pick up any of these special perks
A ticket to the Guide Day Celebration
Join us on February 21, celebrating travel guides worldwide, in a celebration happening online and in the real world, wherever you are.
An early access to the Experience Design Course
Everything you need to know about purpose-driven travel experiences and how to design them professionally. Will be useful for you, or your team members.
A coaching call for travel business
Anything you'd like to know about running a tourism business, creating amazing experiences, doing marketing and sales, understanding your customer persona, or anything else? Instead of learning it the hard way by your own experience, you can learn from Alex, while helping Travelhood to happen.
A year of Travelhood membership (Grow plan)
Spend 2024, making your travel business better. Webinars, practicums, and the recordings of all recordable events of Travelhood - a great toolkit to develop travel for good.
A Breakthrough Weekend
An immersive, inspiring, and productive weekend, spent working on innovating and future-proofing your travel & experience business.
A year of Travelhood membership (PRO plan)
Spend 2024, making your travel business better. In addition to all webinars, practicums, and event recordings, you'll get access to non-recordable events, including masterminds, group coaching, accountability calls, and great community of people who make things happen.
Lifetime PRO Membership + Founding Member status
Help Alex to make Travelhood happen, and receive a lifetime Travelhood PRO membership + the status of the Founding Member. That will pay back very quickly.
A-ma-zi-ng website
Do you think the Travelhood website is decent? Do you want to have the same for your business? It's just $999, and a year of hosting comes for free.
Travelhood Bronze Sponsorship for 2024
Become a business sponsor of Travelhood and our events during 2024

Message Alex if you'd like to talk more
Travelhood Silver Sponsorship for 2024
Become a business sponsor of Travelhood and our events during 2024

Message Alex if you'd like to talk more
Travelhood Gold Sponsorship for 2024
Become a priority business sponsor of Travelhood and our events during 2024, including all our travel events, festivals, and the community.

Message Alex if you'd like to talk more
Or simply Invest any sum of money that you'd like
We will put it on your Travelhood balance + add 25% to it,
so you can use this money on Travelhood events.
Let's make an impulse so it'll work out
Time is our most limited resource.
Connected, collective wisdom is our biggest potential.
The time to act is now,
but the campaign will last till the end of February 21, International Guide Day.
What's behind Travelhood,
and why I think that these things work
20 years of experience
+ decades ahead
That's me visiting friends in the middle of nowhere:)
Hi, this is Alex, the founder of Travelhood

I was born in Siberia, and since early childhood, I've been living close to nature, indigenous cultures, and unique historical heritage.

For many years, I spent 90% of my time in the middle of nowhere, getting to know the planet, meeting local people, and learning how we can develop better travel.

I started my first project in tourism in 2003, and since then I worked as a travel organizer in 45 countries worldwide.

I spent all these years, learning why we travel, and how it affects local communities, the environment, and ourselves.

And it made me think that the solution lies in local action. Global campaigns are important, but we need to develop and implement better local practices. And there's nobody except you who can make your place better. That's why your future depends only on how you make it.

When there's a critical mass of better places, we will cross the tipping point from the crisis towards healing and regeneration.

Today, when the need for a global transformation becomes obvious for many, is the best time to combine our experiences and knowledge to inspire travel for good.

For travelers, it's time to learn how to travel mindfully, and where to spend your vacation budget so it would create a positive impact for locals, destinations, and your life.

For professionals, it's time to learn about regenerative business models & practices that make your place better using the power of travel.

The future is whatever we make it, so let's make a good one.

Help me to launch Travelhood, a community for people passionate about better travel, and let's inspire a new wave of better travel.
Join the first 1000
Our mission is to help 1 million travel professionals around the world to make a living by making travel better. Be among the first to experience it.
Welcome to your new family of like-minded travel geeks
Welcome to your new family of like-minded travel geeks
Travelhood is a community
for travel entrepreneurs & experience creators
who want to use the power of tourism
to create a better future
Travelhood is a community
for travel entrepreneurs & experience creators
who want to use the power of tourism
to create a better future
We are not a travel company
Travelhood is a glocal network of tour operators, accommodations, guides, and everyone who aims to co-create better tours, adventures & experiences for a better future
Entrepreneurs, tour operators, guides, tourism organizations, freelancers, accommodation owners & managers
Nature and adventure guides, self-guided tour organizers, and all who take clients on an adventure
Travel designers, retreat hosts, and everyone who creates meaningful guest experiences
Travel professionals
Adventure leaders
Experience creators
Travelhood facilitates peer-to-peer learning among real-world practitioners
We learn from each other
We are a glocal community that connects like-minded travel entrepreneurs and experience creators from all around the world into local positive-impact chapters
Learn everything you need to know about creating better travel experiences: from marketing & sales to product management and regenerative practices
Build a better business faster with community coaching, networking, hiring experienced freelancers, and using the power of global knowledge
Inspiring connections
Useful content
Systematic growth
Focus on things that matter, evolve the key elements of your business, and reach your goals faster
the most important things
Rebuild your marketing by creating connections, collaborating with like-minded people, making great experiences, and having a good time
Effective Marketing & Partnerships
Harness the latest technology to do less manual work & serve customers better, so you can focus on creating value and enjoying your work
Technology & Automatization
Design guest experiences that make customers feel alive, so they will fall in love with your place, come back again, and bring family & friends
Design Meaningful Experiences
Create a positive impact and develop your own best business practices to build a sustainable company and a better place for your community
Regenerative Business Models
We use the power of travel to ignite local regenerative systems, globally
to co-create a BETTER future
Become crises-resilient, improve the quality of your life and your community, and build the future that you want, using the power of better travel
Foster local business and nature ecosystems, where the community members co-create higher value for guests and locals
Better food, housing, infrastructure, while developing a healthy spirit and human connections – this is the aim of developing travel for good
Resilient businesses
Healthy ecosystems
Happier life
Evolve into a skillful purpose-driven travel professional using the power of community
Evolve into a skillful purpose-driven travel professional using the power of community
and make travel better
Do what you love
at every stage of business lifecycle
Inspiration for travel & experience creators
Travel industry leaders
Connect with talented professionals from around the world and unlock a new transformation in your professional journey. Share your experience, and learn from others. Get inspired, and leverage Travelhood to develop better travel.
Support Travelhood as a Leader
Small travel businesses
Be sure that you go in the right direction, find breakthroughs & shortcuts through the limits & obstacles, expand your vision, and build a strong and systematic company that will have a deep positive impact on places you love.
Awaken your Superhero with Travelhood
Travel startups
Find alignment between your purpose and revenue model, learn how to build better systems to change the system, connect with the top talents and industry leaders, and set a strong foundation for creating a profound impact.
Join Travelhood as a Startup
Freelancers and solopreneurs
If you work alone, Travelhood is your place to connect with like-minded professionals from around the world, learn from the top travel practitioners and leading thinkers, get inspired, and inspire others.
Connect to the world of better travel
Students and beginners
If you take the first steps in travel & experiences, Travelhood helps you to find confidence, learn from amazing professionals from around the world, and launch your new career faster (and in the right direction).
Start your Journey with Travelhood
Travelhood locales
We're not competitors. We are co-creators of better places.
for productive & exciting working days
Courses, tools & templates
Purpose-driven travel experiences
The fundamentals of one of the most exciting professions you can imagine: purposeful travel experiences
Web design for experience designers
Learn how to deliver the message to your potential guests and turn your website into a first step of their experience
Marketing of travel experiences
How to find customers, build your network, launch a marketing machine, and focus on relationships with guests
Experience design and product management
How to create experiences, and which experiences to create? Essentials of journeys, transformations and evolution in the most enigmatic business course
Technology for tours & experiences
Step-by-step guides to the most important tech tools for travel entrepreneurs. Build your own AI assistant that will help you to do more in less time
Project management for tours & experiences
Do you hire, or plan to have a team? Learn how to create and manage awesome projects instead of a boring routine.
Finance and investments for better travel
Keep an eye on your finances, learn how to attract investments, and how to invest in better travel
and more inspiring and useful content →
Join the first 1000
Our mission is to help 1 million travel professionals around the world to make a living by making travel better. Be among the first to experience it.
Do You want to know the future?
So many global leaders talk about sustainability.
They are on a mammoth task to save our home planet.
But sustainability is not enough.
Our future depends on the liveability of our places.
Our place's future depends on us.
We use the power of travel & experiences
to make the future better.
The future is whatever you make it.
needs a trusted circle
  • Frodo would never succeed without the Fellowship
  • Harry Potter would be dead without his friends
  • Ninja Turtles would be just turtles
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© 2023 Travelhood
We are a purpose-driven company
Website Development:
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