Connect with regenerative thinkers and doers in Portugal
Spend a week on a great gathering, learning about regenerative business, travel, and the way of life
September 2024
Travelhood 💚 Gathering of Tribes
How travel can make the world better?
Get together with fellow travel professionals, entrepreneurs and thinkers
to discuss the biggest questions of our profession
We live in a unique era of great challenges and opportunities. We have questions that are bigger than each of us individually. That's why we invite you to discuss these questions, to see the future of our businesses, industries, and humanity overall, during the Gathering of Tribes in Portugal, September 11-16.
Which questions?
Travel has a huge potential to contribute to a better world.

We also have a lot of problems within our industry, so before thinking about a better world, we need to become better ourselves. But what does it even mean?

If we want to have a positive impact, we need to figure out many questions HOW.

  • How to grow the business while reducing its negative environment impact?
  • How to match our own (often quite strict) ethical standards?
  • How to make a living at the same time?
  • How to maintain a business transparency in this harsh reality?
  • How to balance between utopian dreaming and nothing-personal-just-business?
  • How to raise funds to a business that pro-nature and not profit-maximizing?
  • How to inspire travelers to care about their behaviour?
  • How to deal with sensitive issues, like travel to war-raging or colonised nations?
  • How to react to greenwashing competitors?
  • How to unite people from the opposite edges of polarised worldviews?
  • How to create an impact that's big enough to make a difference?
  • How to make it happen within a reasonable timeframe before we hit another wall?

Probably, you also have many questions – and if you don't, you definitely will have them soon.
Join us at the Gathering of Tribes
Inspired by ancient tribal gatherings, conferences, unconferences, transformative festivals and Burning Man, The Gathering Of Tribes is a regenerative, co-created and participatory - new kind of - gathering designed for the 21st century. A gathering designed to support the growth of a regenerative ecosystem of collaboration.

For travel professionals, we organize the Travelhood Camp, that's dedicated specially to travel & experiences.

This is not going to be another conference with people giving one-way lectures about known answers. For 5 days, we will be questioning the unknown, discussing, brainstorming, collaborating, and growing real connections, while living in the forest camp.

We hope you'll remember this time as the best days ever.
  • -1-
    Portugal, a private forest camp not far from Porto
  • -2-
    September 11-16, 2024
  • 5 days in the amazing forest camp
  • Shared working spaces, kitchen, restrooms
  • Regenerative program + time for work and play
  • Bring your own tent or book a glamping
No pressure, but...
Early bird
Ended on May 31
Early bird special
June 13 – June 17
Regular bird
Ends on July 31
Late bird
Ends on August 31
YOLO bird
Ends on September 10
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Some pictures from the Gathering in 2022
Connect with regenerative thinkers and doers in Portugal
Travelhood 💚 Gathering of Tribes